Monday, 11 June 2012

Finding Drugs in the Human Body

A drug test is a test carried out with the use of blood, saliva or urine it varies with the drug being tested for. People use drugs for different reasons. For athletes, it is to boost their bodies to perform better. Criminals use drugs to gain courage that is why most suspects undergo a drug test.

Many people in a bid not to get caught buy over the counter remedies that can help them pass a drug test. An athlete who is using drugs to enhance performance of course does not want to get caught. Many give fake urine samples by inserting water-filled condoms in their reproductive system.

Thirdly, is the use of a catheter (a long thin rubber tube) which passes to the urethra and empties the bladder filling it with clean urine. It is the most risky method to use. In case something going wrong, serious health problems incurs. Still, you cannot be a hundred percent sure that they will work, but sometimes they are worth a try.

There is only way that you can be sure that your body is free of drugs and that is to not take the drugs in the first place. Imagine if you lost your career simply because of taking something illegal? You could end up behind bars for a long time.

Federations can easily identify athletes who use drugs by random tests though it is very expensive. Since most drugs are used during the competition it is easier to test them after or during the game breaks. Even so, the athletes have gotten wiser and now use them during training, and their effects are felt during the competition. There is no sure way that all the players using drugs will be identified only random testing would be better but not all federations can afford.

For those using drugs, it is hard to tell when the drug will be out of your body. It may take days to months for you to be able to pass a drug test.  A lot of factors influence this including your metabolic rate, the current state of your health, the type of drug taken and your general health. The drug you took will also play a part and so will the amount taken as well as you age contribute.

Before going to a drug test, you can be on the safe side by first doing a home test. This way, you will know whether you are safe on not. Some people do this out of worry, especially after taking food that has traces of drugs and alcohol. Normally, the amounts are extremely low and do not affect the test in any way but it does not hurt to be 100% sure. These tests can be bought over the counter for a very small fee and are meant for home use.

When it comes to drugs and alcohol, there is one thing you can do to be totally safe. Staying away from these drugs is the ultimate solution that also protects your health and life. Anything else that you do is simply a camouflage and can easily backfire and land you in a lot of problems.

1 comment:

  1. Depending upon what substance(s) you used and the testing method,the time range for detection is quite varied.

    Here is one resource I found for detection times of several drug types in urine:

    Dave J
